Stock > Utilities > Stock resynchronization and control 

Use this function to resynchronize or control automatically the various data contained in stock files, at a given site or folder level.

The following scripts are available:

  • Resynchronization of stock lines
  • Recalculation of product-site totals
  • Resynchronization of analysis requests
  • Resynchronization of stock counts
  • Resynchronization of assemblies
  • Recalculation of lot stocks
  • Control of the FIFO stack
  • Control of serial numbers
    When the number of serial numbers associated with a stock line is different from the stock quantity, this automatic resynchronization script is not sufficient. A manual intervention, product by product, is necessary.
    To do so, use the Resynchronization of series/stocks function.
  • Control of information relating to the License plate numbers: their status, location, management mode (single-lot or multi-lot), and all the information on their attached stock lines.
    In some cases, the Resynchronization process updates the container. For instance, the container status is updated when it is assigned stock, even if it is considered as ‘free’ in the stock file. In contrast, specific errors are only reported in the log file because they require a manual intervention. For instance, this is true when the container is not physically located in the same location as the stock lines associated with it.
    To correct these errors, use the License plate number operations function.
    Please refer to the License plate number field help for more details on the performed controls.

These scripts can be run in direct or batch mode.


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Screen management

Entry screen


Enter your selection criteria, if needed, and select the resynchronization and control scripts to launch.

Once the script is complete, a log file is displayed, available for printing. This log file lists the errors found and any correction carried out.




The following fields are present on this tab :


The storage site is initialized by default with the site linked to your function profile.

  • All sites (field FCYALL)

Select this check box so the selected scripts are applied to all the stock sites.

Enter this field to select a range of categories. Specify the category corresponding to the selection start range.

Enter this field to select a range of categories. Specify the category corresponding to the selection end range.

Enter this field to select a product or a range of products. Specify the reference of the product corresponding to the selection start range.

Enter the ending product number for the selection. Product ranges are used to restrict the report to these products only.


  • Stock lines (field SYNSTO)

Select this check box to resynchronize the totals in the stock lines and trigger the purge of null stock lines. The calculation of allocated quantities is run in packing units (PAC) activated on potency-managed products.

  • Quality checks (field SYNQLY)

Select this check box to:

  • resynchronize the quality controls
  • update the STOQLYH (quality control header) and STOQLYHD (quality control detail) files from the stock lines.

Different cases are possible.

Loop on STOQLYD:

  • The system deletes a record in STOQLYD when in parallel there is no corresponding record in the STOQLYH and STOCK files.
  • The system creates a new record STOQLYH when in parallel there is a record in STOCK.
  • If a record exists in STOQLYD without corresponding record in the STOCK file but with a record in the STOJOU file, then the system sets the VALFLG (validation flag) field in STOQLYH to the value 2.
  • If there is a corresponding record existing in STOQLYH and STOCK, the system verifies that the VALFLG field is set to 1 and readjusts the quantities between the STOCK and STOQLYD records.

Loop on STOCK:

  • If no record exists in the STOQLYH and STOQLYD files, the QLYCTLDEM (analysis request) field in STOCK is reset to zero.
  • A record in STOQLYD is created when an analysis request is referenced in STOCK and STOQLYH.
  • Reciprocally, a record in STOQLYH is created when an analysis request is referenced in STOCK and STOQLYD. In parallel, the quantities in STOCK and STOQLYD are checked.
  • The system readjusts the quantities between the STOCK and STOQLYH records when these already exist.

Loop on STOQLYH:

When no record exists in STOQLYD then the STOQLYH record is purged.

  • Assemblies (field SYNBBY)

Select this check box to resynchronize the remaining quantity headings prior to a potential disassembly (the processing is run for all sites).

  • Product-site totals (field SYNITV)

Select this check box to recalculate the site stock based on the stock lines of this site.

The processing compares the file of product-site totals (ITMMVT) to the other files:

  • Comparison of the quantity with status A, Q, R in the ITMMVT file with respect to the STOCK file.
  • Comparison of the reserved quantity in the ITMMVT file with respect to the STOCK file.
  • Comparison of the quantities in transfer (in transit and transferred), the globally allocated quantities, the shortage quantities, the required quantities in the ITMMVT file with respect to the allocations file (STOALL).
  • Comparison of the quantity on order in the ITMMVT file with respect to the ORDERS file.

In the first instance, the system deletes the old amounts (storing the old values). After comparing the files described above, the ITMMVT file is updated when a variance has been established. This leads to updating all stocks (reserved stock, allocated stock, stock in transfer...) in the ITMMVT table.

  • Counts (field SYNCUN)

Check this box to resynchronize the stocks and trigger the purge of null stock lines.

The process verifies that the product-sites, stock lines and locations blocked for stock counts are correctly identified. If this is not the case, the hold flag and the list of stock count records concerned are reset to zero.

Additionally, the processing checks:

  • the CUNLISSTA status in the CUNLISTE file,
  • the CUNSSSSTA status in the CUNSESSION file.

If inconsistencies are detected, they are corrected and reported in the log file. For instance:

  • For the CUNLISSTA status in the CUNLISTE file, this type of message is displayed:
    "Stock count status: list SSE-ASN0301111 INV-ASN0309000 modified! : 5 -> 4"
  • For the CUNSSSSTA status in the CUNSESSION, this type of message is displayed:
    "Stock count status: session SSE-ASN0301111 modified! : 1 -> 2"
  • Stock lots (field SYNLOT)

Select this check box to recalculate and update the stock by lot/site based on the stock lines of this site.
The processing consists in comparing the lot/site file (STOLOTFCY) to the stock file (STOCK). In case of variances, the STOLOTFCY lot file is the file which will be updated.


  • FIFO cost and stock (field CSTCTL)

Select this check box to control the consistency between the quantity expressed in the stock and the quantity indicated in the FIFO stack for each product on the site.

The script compares the STOCOST file to the STOCK file.

When an anomaly is discovered, the error must be corrected manually.

  • Single-lot (field FEACTL)


  • Serial number (field SERCTL)

Select this check box to reconciliate stock lines and the related serial numbers.

  • License plate number (field LPNCTL)

Select this check box to control the consistency of information relating to the License plate numbers: their status, location, management mode (single-lot or multi-lot), and all the information on their attached stock lines.

In some cases, the Resynchronization process updates the container. In contrast, specific errors are only reported in the log file because they require a manual intervention. To correct these errors, use the License plate number operations function.

The controls can be broken down as follows:

1/ Control on stock lines
If containers are associated to stock lines, these containers should not be associated with a location of the following categories:

  • Subcontractor
  • Customer
  • Awaiting put-away, if the stock line is not fully assigned.

If it is, the resynchronization process breaks the link between the containers and the stock lines. The log file specifies the stock chrono counter and the updated license plate numbers.

2/ Control on the internal container license plate number

A - Status check: the container status must be 'Free' if no stock line is associated with it. The container status must be 'In stock' if at least one stock line is associated with it.
If an error occurs, the Resynchronization process automatically updates the status. A warning message indicates the changes carried out in the log file.

B - Checking the location category associated with the internal container: It must not be a ‘Subcontractor’ or ‘Customer’ category.
If an error occurs, the resynchronization process deletes the subcontractor or customer location if the container status is free.

C - Checking the consistency between the container location and the location of its associated stock lines: These locations must be identical.
If an error occurs, no update is performed but the inconsistent license plate number and the locations concerned are reported in the log file.

D - Checking the uniqueness of the location: A location may have multiple containers, but a container can only be on a single location.
If an error occurs, no update is performed but the inconsistent license plate number is reported in the log file.

E - Checking the single-product and single-lot compliance: If the container is single-product managed, the associated stock lines must be set to the same product code. The same goes in single-lot management.
If an error occurs, no update is performed but the license plate number that does not comply with this rule is reported in the log file.


  • Reset QC frequency locks (field RAZFRE)

The use of this check box is technical; it responds to the following situation:

When the product is set up at the product-supplier level or at the product-site level in order to be subject to a periodic quality control, technical locks are managed by Enterprise Management on the ITMFACILIT and ITMBPS tables.

In the event of an incident (e.g.: power outage), these locks may not always be deleted. In this case, the frequency of the quality control is faulty and the quality control is never triggered.
Select this check box to delete these locks.



Batch task

This function can be run in batch mode. The standard task FUNSTOR is provided for that purpose.

Error messages

In addition to the generic error messages, the following messages can appear during the entry :

Name of the site: xxx non-existent record

This message is displayed when the specified site is not a declared site.

Lot stock de-synchronized… Correction carried out

This message is displayed when the script finds an anomaly in the stock lot file. The update of STOLOT with respect to STOCK is automatic.

Warehouse site de-synchronized… Correction carried out

This message is displayed when the script finds an anomaly in the site stock file. The ITMMVT file is automatically updated according to the information recorded in the files concerned (STOCK, STOALL…).

Orphan quality control line... Automatic deletion

This message means that the record in STOQLYD has no corresponding record in STOQLYH and STOCK.

Non-controlled quality control line... This control is to be completed

The quality control appears to be validated whereas one line has not been controlled yet. The script modifies the posting value of the VALFLG field by setting it to 1 and rewrites the record in STOQLYH.

Orphan quality control header... Automatic deletion

This message means that the record in STOQLYH has no corresponding record in STOQLYD. The record in STOQLYH is thus purged automatically.

Stock and FIFO price tables de-synchronized… FIFO price and stock control carried out

This message is displayed when the FIFO stack price and stock control processing has found an anomaly. The correction must be carried out manually.

Serial number not issued and not in stock... Automatic deletion

When a serial number is not issued nor in stock, the deletion of the record in STOSER is automatic.

Tables used

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